Shin Splints Treatment
There are many recreational and professional athletes around the world today that tend to suffer with shin splints due to the nature of the sport that they participate in. Also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) in the medical field, it can be extremely painful for some people to deal with, while others may just feel slight discomfort in their shins. Your fitness level, footwear, muscle tissue makeup and preventative measures can all help you alleviate and avoid shin splints while you enjoy the exercise that you love.
Shin splints are typically characterized by pain in the front lower part of your legs around the areas of your shinbones. This discomfort usually radiates from above the ankle up to the knee joint, but not any further. You may notice some slight swelling in the muscle tissue around either sides of your shin and the area could be sensitive to touch. You may have some numbness in the leg itself or even feel weaker due to the stress of the muscle tissue on the nerves in your leg. While some people may experience all of these symptoms, others may only have one or two noticeable symptoms.
There are many ways to treat shin splints in order to help speed up your recovery process and get you back to the activities that you love. If you have never had shin splints before you may want to consult your family physician or a local sports therapist in order to get help coming up with a recovery plan. What may have worked for someone you know suffering from shin splints, may not necessarily work for you. Everyone's recovery process is different and you may need to monitor your progress as time goes on to ensure that you are on track.
One of the easiest ways to treat shin splints is to stop activity immediately and treat with ice. Many athletes will cease activity when they begin to feel the symptoms of shin splints and ice their legs right away. This will help keep any swelling down that may put pressure on your nerves in your legs. By stopping activity and icing the muscle tissue you will slow down the circulation in your muscle tissue and prolong any swelling process from your injury. Please make sure you are aware of the correct procedure for icing, before you start this therapy.
Stretching and basic physiotherapy exercises can help with the soreness of muscle tissue from shin splints. Depending on how sore your muscles are, sometimes massaging of the muscle tissue can help you relieve some pressure and gain some flexibility back in your shins. Often while you recover from a shin splint you will take it easy and not perform regular exercises while your legs are healing. During this time, you may notice a loss of flexibility in your affected leg. You will need to regain your flexibility in order to get back to your normal range of exercise.
Rest during recovery is extremely important. Just like any other sports injury, your body will need rest in order to rebuild the muscle tissue and regain your strength and flexibility. If you do not have enough rest time you will risk injuring yourself further and causing a setback during your recovery time.
If you want to speed up your healing time and get rid of shin splints as quickly as 3 days, check out "Stop Shin Splints Forever". This guide was written for the serious athlete who does not want to wait around for months with the shin pain, unable to practice their favorite sport. It is laid out step-by-step, and guides you through all the things you need to do to get rid of your shin splints FAST. Check it out today:
