Welcome to the Affiliate Center of "Stop Shin Splints Forever"!



Your Step-By-Step Guide To Making Money NOW!

Ok, so here is how this works:

Our affiliate program is handled through clickbank.com.  If your not familiar with Clickbank, they're the biggest online billing center for downloadable products.  They're great, they pay on time, and they are super easy to setup with.

So if you haven't signed up, click here then click the "Sign Up" button at the bottom of the page.



Once you have your account nick name, your affiliate link will be:


Just replace "YOURID" with your clickbank ID.


Tracking: to use tracking, simply add &tid=TRACK1 at the very end of the hoplink, replacing TRACK1 with your tracking id.

Cloaking: we will cloak your hoplink for you (it will not show ?hop=yourclickbankID in your address bar). This increases conversion rates. However, rest assured that your hops are still being passed on. To check, click 'order', and you'll see your hoplink in small text at the bottom of the order page.

We also provide custom landing pages for high volume affiliates. Get in touch with your request!



Once you have your affiliate link, you can advertise via banner ads on your website, do mass emails promoting your affiliate site, or use "pay per click" advertising with companies like Google.

You make a 75% commission for every sale you refer. That means, you make $25 a sale.

How Much Money Can I Make?

Here's an example of what you can make...

# Sales Per Day
Monthly Income
Yearly Income

How much you make, is totally up to you. You can make 1 sale a day ($9,000 yearly) or you can make 50 sales a day. ($450,000 yearly) There is no limit to how much you can make.

But If your new to Internet Marketing, these numbers may be a bit hard to comprehend...

So, let's break this down...

If you convert 1 in 20 (which is the average) that means if you send 100 people a day to our site... you should make 5 sales.

That's a $125 a day! ($45,000 Yearly). That is more than the majority of people make in a year!

...And getting 100 people to click your link in a day is VERY EASY. Just a few articles or a small PPC campaign can easily bring in that kind of traffic. If you have any experience with online marketing, then you know that getting 100 hops a day is VERY easy and extremely realistic. (Seriously)



***FREE Rebrandable Report***

Offer this report to your website visitors or to your list.

Simply download by clicking below and insert your affiliate links-

"How To Cure Shin Splints in 3 Easy Steps"



Sending the report through email? Here's a pre-written template you can use:




Images And Banners:

Feel free to use any of the banners or product images below on your websites, blogs or newsletters! Just be sure to replace the default link with your own.


New Curiosity Banners (High CTR):





Set 2:


stop shin splints


stop shin splints


stop shin splints


stop shin splints


stop shin splints


stop shin splints


stop shin splints



stop shin splints gary buchenic



Stop Shin Splints Forever


Writing articles is a cheap and easy way of promoting this product.  Actually, it's more than just "cheap"... it's totally free.

This doesn't cost you a dime... and can rank very well in the search engines.

Here are the major "article submission" web sites you can use:

  1. EzineArticles.com

  2. ArticlesBase.com

  3. Buzzle.com

  4. SearchWarp.com

  5. GoArticles.com


I've written some quick articles for you. 

Also, I would recommend you rewrite them (even if you do it one sentence at a time) so they won't show up as "duplicate content" by Google and Yahoo. Also, don't forget to leave a catchy signature that gives the reader a incentive to click your link.


Email Copy:

If you have an email list related to this product, or anything similar (running, marathon advice, etc) then chances are the email copy below will convert VERY well if you mail them your affiliate link.

Below you'll find an e-mail messages that has worked well for us. Feel free to use it for yourself!

Swipe 1: Converts on both targeted (shin splints sites) and generic sports & exercise lists.

Subject: Want To Get Rid Of Shin Splints Forever?


Swipe 2: Converts on both targeted (shin splints sites) and generic sports & exercise lists.

Subject: The #1 Secret To Getting Rid Of Shin Splints Forever


Swipe 3: Converts best on targeted lists (shin splints sites) or as a follow-up to swipe 1 or 2 above.

Subject: What Good Is Icing Your Shin Splints If The Pain Comes Back?

Press Release:



PPC Ads:

Using pay-per-click search engines like Google Adwords, MSN AdCenter or many others, is an awesome way to quickly generate targeted traffic to your affiliate site. Here is some proven ad copy that has worked for us...

"You Got Shin Splints?"
Learn What It Takes To Get Rid Of
Painful Shin Splints Forever!
Stop Shin Splints Forever
Learn How To Stop Your Shin Splints
Quickly, Easily And Permanently

PPC Keywords:

Use the following keywords for your PPC campaigns or on search engine optimized pages. Each of these keywords have produced AT LEAST a few sales in our initial tests. By using these proven keywords, new PPC affiliates can avoid mistakes when starting out.

Free Methods To Promote Your Affiliate Link:

There's a ton of free traffic in the shin splints niche that you can tap into and profit from.

Typically this traffic won't yield quite as much money as Pay Per Click marketing.

Regardless, I recommend you do this AS WELL as doing pay per click.  That way you truly dominate the market from every angle!

So here's a few free techniques you can do right now:

1) Write a review of of the our course with your affiliate link at the end.  You can post these for free on review sites like GoArticles.comEzineArticles.com, and Squidoo.com.

2) Make a free blog with a site like Blogger.com.  On your blog talk about our site, then use a site like Pingomatic.com so your blog shows up in major search engines.  Obviously have your affiliate link on this as well!

3) Check out this killer Press Release site, PRweb.com.  Post a review of the our product on here with your link.  You can also pay them $80 and they will make sure your Press Release is put on ALL major search engines.

4) Post videos on YouTube.com and Viddler about our website, and include your affiliate link.

6) Make a review site about similar products and include a review of our product (This works really well right now with all the google slaps going on!).

8) Use "Social Networking" sites like Twitter.com, Facebook.com, Myspace.com, and Digg.com to promote your affiliate link and build up a network of friends!

Ok, so that's it for now.  Time to get to work and start making some money!

If you have any questions, or looking to setup a Joint Venture, send a email to gary@stopshinsplints.com and we can chat.

Thank You For Your Interest In Promoting This Product!